Book clinic: which books will help me make a fresh start?

Some suggestions for a former postman about to begin a new life after almost four decades in the same job

Q: What can I read to help me make a fresh start in life in the new year? I have just taken redundancy after working for the same company for 37 years.
Michael Prime, 53, former postman

A: Johanna Thomas-Corr, journalist and book critic:
“To make an end is to make a beginning,” wrote TS Eliot in the last of his Four Quartets, a lyrical meditation on the passing of time and the sadness of lives not fully lived. That might sound like the last thing you want to read as you unbox your fresh start, but it’s also rich with possibility. “We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

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